Fake Karna Drauapdi Love story

We have already made a detailed Video about the topic. Video Link:-

As per the original Mahabharat, Devi Draupadi had no secrets!!

However, TV serials try to malign the epic by bringing multiple changes to it. For example, Suryaputra Karn had brought a story in which Devi Draupadi when asked about a secret told Lord Krishna in front of her husbands that she loved Karn and if he was not from the Suta Clan she would have married him because he was the only person in the Dyut sabha to revolt against her Vastra Haran.

However, the story is completely different. Surprisingly, Karn was the one who had ordered Devi Draupadi’s Vastraharan.

eko bhartA striyA devairvihitaH kurunandana |

iyaM tvanekavashagA bandhakIti vinishchitA || 35||

asyAH sabhAmAnayanaM na chitramiti me matiH |

ekAmbaradharatvaM vApyatha vApi vivastratA || 36||

yachchaiShAM draviNaM ki~nchidyA chaiShA ye cha pANDavAH |

saubaleneha tatsarvaM dharmeNa vijitaM vasu || 37||

duHshAsana subAlo.ayaM vikarNaH prAj~navAdikaH |

pANDavAnAM cha vAsA.nsi drAupAdyshchApyupAhara|| 38||

O son of the Kuru race, the gods have ordained only one husband for one woman. This Draupadi, however, hath many husbands. Therefore, certain it is that she is an unchaste woman. To bring her, therefore, into this assembly attired though she be in one piece of cloth--even to uncover her is not at all an act that may cause surprise. Whatever wealth the Pandavas had--she herself and these Pandavas themselves,--have all been justly won by the son of Suvala. O Dussasana, this Vikarna speaking words of (apparent) wisdom is but a boy. Take off the robes of the Pandavas as also the attire of Draupadi. Hearing these words the Pandavas, O Bharata, took off their upper garments and throwing them down sat in that assembly. Then Dussasana, O king, forcibly seizing Draupadi's attire before the eyes of all, began to drag it off her person."

Now obviously no women would ever have any love affair with a man who orders for her Vastraharan in front of the entire assembly.

Secondly, devi Draupadi never kept any secrets she was very open. When Arjun, left for Dev lok then she in front of her 4 husbands said that

  • The beautiful forest would not remain beautiful to her without Arjun.
  • The increase in the distance between Arjun and her is more painful than what had happened with her in the dyut Sabha.

”That Arjuna who with two hands rivals the thousand-armed Arjuna (of old), alas, without that foremost of the sons of Pandu, this forest doth not seem at all beautiful in my eyes. Without him, whenever I cast my eyes, this earth seems to be forlorn. Even this forest with its blossoming trees and so full of wonders, without Arjuna, seems not so delightful as before. Without him who is like a mass of blue clouds (in hue), who hath the prowess of an infuriated elephant, and whose eyes are like the leaves of the lotus, this Kamyaka forest doth not seem beautiful to me. Remembering that hero capable of drawing the bow with his left hand, and the twang of whose bow sounds like the roar of thunder, I can not feel any happiness

  • Draupadi took Karna’s name thrice in her life time in the epic Mahabharata.
    • First time she took his name right after dice game when Krishna visited Pandavas. She pointed out to Krishna how Karna mocked her.[1]
    • Second time, she asked Yudisthira not to forgive his enemies and rather he should punish them. She counted four people - Shakuni, Duryodhana, Karna and Dussashana as the people who should be punished.[2]
    • Third time after war she tried to convince Yudisthira to take up throne and perform King’s duty. At that time she tried to motivate him by saying he won the kingdom by killing the force which was protected by Karna, Drona, Kripa and Aswathamma and not by charity or gift.[3]


  1. Karna fans always malign the image of Devi Draupadi. Thanks that they are still some sensible people who read scriptures.

    1. Exactly, there is one more anti Hindu story in which Vasuki Nag (The king of all Nags and the biggest bhakth of Lord Shia) had molested Draupadi in front of Arjun and then the so called great Karna had come to rescue Draupadi. Would be writting on it shortly after my Pre-Boards


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