Why didn't Karna use the Vasavi Dart in the Virat War?

 The Vasavi Shakti or the Vasavi Dart which Karn possessed was a one-time use weapon that Karna had got in exchange for his Kavacha and Kundals from Lord Indra. While giving the Vasavi dart to Karna, Lord Indra had described the calibre of the weapon, rules to use it and what would happen after Karna uses it.

The 2 sharts or rules were:-
(1) Karna would not be using the Vasavi Dart if he has any other Celestial weapon

Indra said, “O Karna! You will never look loathsome. You do not utter falsehood and your body will not be scarred. O supreme among eloquent ones! O, Karna! You will again possess the complexion and energy of your father. Your complexion will again become like his. But if you unleash this invincible weapon in a fit of fury, when you possess other weapons, there is no doubt that it will descend on you.”

(2) Karna would only use the Vasavi Dart when his life is in Danger

Karna replied, “O Shakra! As you have told me, I will release Vasava’s weapon only when I confront supreme danger. I promise you this truthfully.”

Now, let’s see what were the encounters between Karna and Arjun in the Virat War. I have broken this into 2 possible reasons which prevented him from using the Vasavi Dart. They are the Physical or On-ground situation and Mental Reasons.


(1) In this Encounter Arjun badly wounds Karna because of which he has to retreat

Vaikartana’s younger brother, spirited Samgramajit, drove red horses and he killed those steeds. With a single arrow, he sliced off his crowned head. On seeing his brother slain, Vaikartana, the suta’s son, exhibited his valour, like a king of elephants displaying his tusks, or like a tiger attacking a large buffalo. Vaikartana attacked Pandava with twelve arrows. He pierced the bodies of all the horses and that of Virata’s son with those arrows. It was like a king among elephants being struck by an elephant. He 141 took out sharp arrows from his quiver and stretching the string of the bow right up to his ear, pierced the body of the suta’s son with his arrows. With arrows unleashed like lightning from his bow, the destroyer of enemies pierced him in battle, in the arms, the thighs, the head, the forehead, the neck and in all the parts of the chariot. Thus wounded by the arrows shot by Partha, and scorched by Pandava’s arrows, like a swift elephant that has been defeated by another elephant, Vaikartana fled from the forefront of the battle.’

(2) Arjun cuts of Karna’s bow and as a result, he retreats

Vaishampayana said, ‘Having thus spoken to Karna, the unvanquised Bibhatsu attacked him and released arrows that could penetrate body armour. Karna countered with arrows that were like the crests of flames and rained down a great shower of arrows, like monsoon clouds. The terrible net of arrows covered every direction. They separately pierced his 163 horses, arms and guards on his hands. Unable to tolerate this, he sliced off the strap of Karna’s quiver with a straight-tufted arrow, sharp at the tip. Grasping other arrows from his quiver, Karna pierced Pandava on the hand, so that his grip weakened. The mighty-armed Arjuna then sliced off Karna’s bow. He 164 hurled a javelin at him, but Partha cut that down with arrows. Then Radheya’s large infantry attacked. But they were sent to Yama’s abode with arrows released from Gandiva. Bibhatsu then stretched his bow up to his ears and killed his horses with sharp arrows that could take a great weight. They fell down dead on the ground. The mighty-armed and valorous Kounteya took up another flaming arrow and pierced Karna in the chest. The arrow pierced his armour and penetrated his body. He was immersed in darkness and lost consciousness for some time. Suffering great pain, he left the field of battle in a northern direction. Arjuna and maharatha Uttara started to censure him.’

(3) Karna along with other Kuru warriors conducts a group attack

Like a serpent that has been stepped on with the sole of the foot, the brave one turned his chariot back. Karna saw that he was turning around. He also returned and tended to his 196 wounded limbs. He advanced towards Duryodhana’s right flank and got ready to fight with Partha, the brave one among men, who was adorned in a golden garland. Shantanu’s son Bhishma also returned. He swiftly prodded his horses with golden harnesses and protected Duryodhana from the rear from Partha, the mighty-armed one who wielded a bow. Drona, Kripa, Vivimshati and Duhshasana also swiftly returned. All of them swiftly arrived with bows and arrows to protect Duryodhana. Partha saw those armies return, like heavy clouds. Like a swan advancing towards a descending cloud, the spirited Dhananjaya advanced towards them. They grasped divine weapons and surrounded Partha from every direction. They showered down arrows on him, like clouds showering rain on the summit of a mountain. The wielder of the Gandiva used weapons to counter the weapons of the bulls among the Kurus. The destroyer of enemies then made the weapon named sammohana 197 appear. This was impossible to counter. He covered all the directions and all the smaller directions with sharp arrows that had fine tips and fine shafts. With the roar of the Gandiva, the immensely strong one struck terror in their minds. He then grasped the giant conch shell in both his hands, one that had a deep and trembling sound. Partha, the destroyer of enemies, used this to make the sound echo in the directions, the smaller directions, the sky and the earth. At the roar of the conch shell blown by Partha, the foremost among the Kurus fell down unconscious. They gave up their invincible bows and all of them resorted to peace.

So, from this, we conclude that:-

  • In the first faceoff, Karna had the chance to use the Vasavi Dart but did not because He was not in a dying situation or he felt that he had no other option other than retreating.
  • In the second Face-off, Arjun had Cut Karna’s bow, so he might have gone to get another one and also here Arjun was not going to kill Karna.
  • In the final faceoff, Arjun used the Sammohana astra which made everyone Unconscious, preventing Karna from using the Vasavi Dart.

Other than this we can also conclude that Karna was not in a situation in which he was about to die because Arjun had never fought the Virat War with an intention to kill all the Kuru warriors, he wanted to kill Karna in the Kurukshetra or a proper battle between Pandavs and Kauravs.


Other than the on-ground situation, the most prominent reason I feel that Karna had not used the Vasavi Dart because he wanted to defeat Arjun on the basis of his skills and not merely because of a celestial weapon. So, this Ego or Pratkgya or whatever you want to call it was according to me another reason for him not using the Vasavi Dart.

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