Karna killing abhimanyu by deceit

Om Namaḥ Śivāya and Hare Kṛṣṇa

While answering this question I would be referring to multiple authentic translations and would not be adding anything myself. So, let’s start:-


For those who don’t know, Bal Mahabharat Katha is a book published by NCERT for Class 7 and it is based on the findings of the BORI Institute.

So, Bal Mahabharat Katha states that Karna on the advise of Drona cuts Abhimanyu’s bow from behind (Refer to the Green and Blue portion)


In the Mahabharat retold, Shri Krishna Dharma Das does not mention how the bow of Abhimanyu was cut. He just states that Karna cuts of Abhimanyus bow

Droṇa lowered his head as he went on, “There is, however, a way by which we may be able to overcome him. O Karṇa, listen carefully. If you can cut his bow, the reins of his horses and his chariot wheels, then at the same time Kṛtavarmā can kill his horses and Aśvatthāmā can kill his charioteer, while Kṛpa, the king and I will attack him directly. Perhaps if six of us attack him simultaneously, we will be able to overpower him.”

Droṇa knew his advice was not in keeping with the codes of combat, but there seemed no alternative. Ultimately, as the Kaurava commander, it was his duty to protect the army by whatever means. Heavy-hearted, Droṇa prepared to attack Abhimanyu along with the other five Kaurava chiefs. They surrounded the prince and Karṇa cut apart his bow. Kṛtavarmā then killed his steeds and Aśvatthāmā his driver.

  1. However, here also Karna cutting Abhimanyu’s bow was against the rules as Abhimanyu was busy fighting Drona and 5 other Kaurava Chiefs.
  2. Not only this before Karna cut Abhimanyus bow all the warriors surrounded him


O, great archer! O Radheya! If you are capable, do this. Make him retreat and strike him subsequently. If he wields the bow, the gods and the asuras are incapable of vanquishing him. If you so wish, deprive him of his chariot and his bow.’ Having heard the preceptor’s words, Vaikartana Karna used his arrows to swiftly slice down the bow of the light-handed one

  1. Here, Karna cuts Abhimanyu’s bow from a distance by forcing him to retreat.
  2. This is also against the rules of the war as Abhimanyu was engaged with other warriors


Geeta Press Mahabharat indirectly hints at the fact the Abhiamnyus bow was cut from behind

Here if you see, Drona told Karna to cut of Abhimanyus bow from behind and Karna did as told by Acharya (Teacher; Mention for Drona)

(5) KMG

O mighty bowman, O son of lladha, if com- petent, do this ! Making him turn back from tho' fight (by this means). Strike him then With his bow in hand, he is incap- able of being vanquished by the very gods and the Asuras together ! If you wish, deprive him of his car, and divest him of his bow — Hearing these words of the preceptor, Vikar- tanas son Kama quickly cut off, by means of his shafts, the bow of Abhimanyu as the latter was shooting with great acti- vity.*®

  1. Here Drona asks Karna to cut of Abhimanyus by making him retreat/turn back
  2. Hence, here Karna attacked Abhimanyu from behind


In all the cases we see that Karna had cut off Abhimanyu’s bow when Abhimanyu was engaged with other warriors. This is intern against the rules of the war and hence, Abhimanyu was killed by Deceit

My answer is based on:-

  • KMG
  • Geeta Press
  • Bal Mahabharat Katha
  • Mahabharat Retold


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