Was Arjun a Womanizer

 Let us first try to understand the definition of the word Womaniser

From this, it is very clear that for one to be a Womanizer he has to have multiple relations with different women, but was Arjun actually a Womanizer? The answer is a big fat No. Let us try to understand why.

NOTE:- I would be completely unbiased while answering the question and would then debunk fake theories

(1) Arjuns Marriage with Ulupi

Ulupi desired Arjuna and wanted to spend one night with him and she insisted to him that him completing her desire would only be for the sake of Dharma. Therefore, Arjuna accepted to stay with her.


Narrative:- ‘Ulupi replied, “O Pandava! I know why you are roaming the earth. I know that you are observing brahmacharya on the instructions of your superior. This was the rule you made among yourselves for Drupada’s daughter, that anyone deluded enough to enter would retire to the forest and observe brahmacharya for a period of twelve years. The exile is therefore for the sake of Droupadi. You are observing that dharma. But in this case, dharma does not suffer. O large-eyed one! It is your duty to save those who are distressed. By saving me, dharma is not violated. O Arjuna! Even if there is a slight transgression of dharma, by granting me life, you will achieve greater dharma. O Partha! O lord! I desire you. Desire me in return. That is the view of those who are rigid in their vows. Know that if you do not do this, I will certainly die. O mighty-armed one! Grant me life and achieve supreme dharma. O supreme among men! I am now seeking refuge with you. O Kounteya! You have always protected those who are weak and without protectors. I am miserable and weeping and am seeking refuge with you. I am overcome with desire and am seeking you. Do that which is pleasurable to me. Satisfy my desire by giving yourself to me.” Hearing these words Kounteya then did what she wanted, accepting dharma to be the reason. The powerful one spent the night in the palace of the serpent. When the sun rose, he too arose from Kouravya’s abode.’

(2) Arjun’s marriage with Chitrangada
Arjuna was mesmerized by the masculinity of Chitrangada and desired her


Narrative:- When he saw Chitravahana’s daughter of the beautiful hips, roaming around in the city at will, he was struck by desire. He went to the king and told him what he wished. The king then spoke to him in a placatory voice

But, Chitrangada’s father wanted that his grandson should be the ruler of Manipur as a result Arjun had to leave her

Narrative:- The great lord granted him the boon that only a single offspring would be born in every generation of this lineage. Since then, in succession, only a single offspring has been born in our lineage. All my ancestors before me had sons. But a daughter was born to me and it is certain that she will have to carry forward my lineage.

So, Arjuna spent 3 winters with her and then left her

Now, here a lot of people would say that Arjuna was a womanizer because he left his 2 wives and came back to Indraprastha, but is it true?? Yes, it is the partial truth because in the Ashwamedha Parva he brings both of them back

Note:- Babhuruvahana considered Ulupi to be his second mother therefore the word Mothers is written.

Another proof:-

So, the idiotic logic of Arjuna leaving his wifes and coming to Indraprashta has been debunked, let us move forward.

(3) Arjun’s marriage with Subhadra

As per Mahabharat, Arjuna desired Subhadra and therefore people claim him to be a Womanizer but this not true because the Srimad Bhagwatam Purana clearly states that even Subhadra desired him

ŚB 10.86.6

सोऽपश्यत्तत्र महतीं कन्यां वीरमनोहराम् ।
प्रीत्युत्फुल्ल‍ेक्षणस्तस्यां भावक्षुब्धं मनो दधे ॥ ६ ॥

There he saw the wonderful maiden Subhadrā, who was enchanting to heroes. His eyes opened wide with delight, and his mind became agitated and absorbed in thoughts of her.

ŚB 10.86.7

सापि तं चकमे वीक्ष्य नारीणां हृदयंगमम् ।
हसन्ती व्रीडितापाङ्गी तन्न्यस्तहृदयेक्षणा ॥ ७ ॥

Arjuna was very attractive to women, and as soon as Subhadrā saw himshe wanted to have him as her husband. Smiling bashfully with sidelong glances, she fixed her heart and eyes upon him.

(4) Arjuna being offered Uttara

Virata tried to offer Uttara as Arjun's wife, but Arjun declined. If Arjuna was a Womanizer, then he should have accepted her as his wife, right?

Also, before any one says that women were given no rights please see this

Narrative:- Let Savyasachi Dhananjaya accept Uttara. That supreme among men is the right husband for her.” Thus addressed, Dharmaraja glanced towards Partha Dhananjaya. When his brother looked at him, Arjuna spoke these words to Matsya. “O king! I will accept your daughter as my daughter-in-law. Such an alliance between supreme Matsyas and Bharatas will be proper.”’ 663(67) ‘Virata asked, “O best of the Pandavas! Why do you refuse to accept my daughter as your wife? Accept her. I am offering her to you.” ‘Arjuna replied, ‘Dwelling in your inner quarters, I always observed your daughter. Whether in private or in public, she always trusted me as her father. I was loved by her and respected because of my skills in dancing and singing. Your daughter has always thought of me as her teacher. O king! I lived for a year with a woman who is nubile. O lord! Suspicion on your part, or that of your subjects, is not misplaced. O lord of the earth! Therefore, I am asking for your daughter. I have been pure and have been in control of my senses. Because of my self-control, she has been kept pure. There is no difference between a daughter and a daughter-in-law, nor that between a son and one’s own self. I do not see any misdemeanour in this and purity will be preserved. O scorcher of enemies! I am terrified of curses and false accusations. O king! That is the reason I will accept your daughter Uttara as my daughter-in-law

(5) Arjuna and Urvashi

Indra thought that Arjuna desired to copulate with Urvashi as he was staring at her in the court so he sends Urvashi to Arjuna and then Arjuna rejects to copulate with her because she was like his mother

Vaisampayana continued, "While in heaven, hearing her speak in this strain, Arjuna was overcome with bashfulness. And shutting his ears with his hands, he said, 'O blessed lady, fie on my sense of hearing, when thou speakest thus to me. For, O thou of beautiful face, thou art certainly equal in my estimation unto the wife of a superior. Even as Kunti here even this is my wish, and I have cherished it for ever!"

[Some text is obviously missing here--JBH] of high fortune or Sachi the queen of Indra, art thou to me, O auspicious one, of this there is no doubt! That I had gazed particularly at thee, O blessed one, is true. There was a reason for it. I shall truly tell it to thee, O thou of luminous smiles! In the assembly I gazed at thee with eyes expanded in delight, thinking, 'Even this blooming lady is the mother of the Kaurava race.' O blessed Apsara, it behoveth thee not to entertain other feelings towards me, for thou art superior to my superiors, being the parent of my race.'"

"Hearing these words of Arjuna, Urvasi answered, saying, 'O son of The chief of the celestials, we Apsaras are free and unconfined in our choice. It behoveth thee not, therefore, to esteem me as thy superior. The sons and grandsons of Puru's race, that have come hither in consequence of ascetic merit do all sport with us, without incurring any sin. Relent, therefore, O hero, it behoveth thee not to send me away. I am burning with desire. I am devoted to thee. Accept me, O thou giver of proper respect.'"

NOTE:- Urvashi wanted Arjun to Copulate with her

"Arjuna replied, 'O beautiful lady of features perfectly faultless, listen. I truly tell thee. Let the four directions and the transverse directions, let also the gods listen. O sinless one, as Kunti, or Madri, or Sachi, is to me, so art thou, the parent of my race, an object of reverence to me. Return, O thou of the fairest complexion: I bend my head unto thee, and prostrate myself at thy feet. Thou deservest my worship as my own mother; and it behoveth thee to protect me as a son.'"

Vaisampayana continued, "Thus addressed by Partha, Urvasi was deprived of her senses by wrath. Trembling with rage, and contracting her brows, she cursed Arjuna, saying, 'Since thou disregardest a woman come to thy mansion at the command of thy father and of her own motion--a woman, besides, who is pierced by the shafts of Kama, therefore, O Partha, thou shalt have to pass thy time among females unregarded, and as a dancer, and destitute of manhood and scorned as a eunuch.'"

Hence, we conclude that Arjuna was not a Womanizer and desiring someone is a common human trait and believing Arjun’s desire to be a trait of a Womanizer would be wrong


  1. For Arjuna and Urvashi tale refer to this link:- https://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m03/m03046.htm


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