Akashwani at the birth of the Pandavs

Today we are going to see what were the Akashwani's at the birth of the Pandav. This blog is based on Mahabharat retold by Krishna Dharma Das. We have also made a video on this topic and the link of the video is:-

(1) Karna

Karna was the son of Surya and Dev and Kunti. There was no Celestial voice or Akashwani at the birth of Kunti but we find Surya describing the qualities of the child before Karna's birth. Surya dev tells Kunti that Karna would be powerful just like Surya himself and he will be born with Celestial / Divya armour and earings

Karna's strength was a boon given by Surya dev before his birth 

Karna's Celestial armour and earrings were also a boon 

(2) Yudhistra 

When Pandu got to know that Kunti was given a Mantra by Rishi Durvasu through which she can call any devta, he wanted Kunti to Unite with Dharmaraj and give birth to a baby. After Yudhistras birth there was a celestial voice or Akashwani which said that Yudhistra would be a Virtuous man and powerful by nature. He would control the 3 worlds and would be very famous 

 (3) Bhima 

Bhima's birth was different to that of the other Pandavs. Bhima was born through Yoga nindra in which Vayu dev (Wind God) conceived a Child in Kunti's womb. The akashwani after his birth was the there would be no equal to him in terms of power and strength. 

(4) Arjun 

Arjun's birth was the most celebrated amongst that of the Pandav. Pandu wanted Kunti to have a Child with Indra and for that she meditated for one year without having a small sip or a morsel. Indra was so pleased by Kunti that before uniting with her he told Pandu that their son would be the trunk of Dharma and slayer of foes. He would help in establishing dharma and would finish all the adharmis. He would be the best amongst males

Just after Arjun's birth, there was an akashwani that said that Arjun would be possessing the strength equal to that of Indra and Lord Shiva. He would be very famous and everyone would be aware of him. He would please Indra, Agni and Shiva multiple times and will have no equal in terms of prowess or power. 

After hearing this all the rishis on that Mountain became very happy and came to bless the boy so born. Soon, all the devtas and devrishis came to bless the boy, however, only the ascetic rishis were able to see them. The devtas were mounted on their chariots and adorned with jewels.

(5) Nakula and Sahedeva 

Pandu wanted Kunti to bear another child and when he approached her to his surprise, she refused by stating that women should not have intercourse with more than 3 men even in times of emergency and she would not unite with anyone else. Hearing this Pandu went to his second wife Madri and wanted her to bear a child. 

Madri thought for some time and realised that Kunti would only allow her to use this Mantra ones so it would be better if she unites with the twin Ashwani Kumars. After uniting with them she gave birth to 2 children. 
Then there was a celestial voice that said that these two would be capable of doing tasks that are out of the limit of other humans and would be extremely handsome like their fathers. 


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