Adharm's of Karna

 Note:- The caste system in the 3 yugs and even in the start of the Kaliyug was totally different from what he have right now. It says that all four classes of men--brāhmaṇas, kṣatriyas, vaiśyas and śūdras--are distinguished by their quality of work. This is opposite to the artificial caste system where people are judged by their birth.

śūdrāṇāṁ ca parantapa
karmāṇi pravibhaktāni
svabhāva-prabhavair guṇaiḥ


Brāhmaṇas, kṣatriyas, vaiśyas and śūdras are distinguished by their qualities of work, O chastiser of the enemy, in accordance with the modes of nature.

  • Being envious of a 10-year-old Arjun when he had surpassed him in the art of Archery and yes Karna was a student of Dronacharya
Who were the teachers of Karn in Mahabharat
Mahabharat, karna vs arjun, arjun, karn, Ramayana, Ram ji, Shri Krishna, Draupadi, Satyaki, Bheem, Abhimanyu, Vedas, Purans, dhanajayparth, aashman,
  • Wanting to kill Bheema when he was a child by poisoning him, even Lord Krishna had admitted it.
  • When Drona refused to give him Brahastra because he was not ready for it then he lied to Parashurama and got the knowledge by cheating. Lord Parashurama had never taken a vow to only teach Brahmins. He had also taught Bheesma and Lord Rama.
  • Being disrespectful towards Homosexuals

And at that sound, the son of Radha, deprived of his senses by anger, waving his well-shaped arms, said these words,--'O Vikarna, many opposite and inconsistent conditions are noticeable in this assembly. Like fire produced from a faggot, consuming the faggot itself, this thy ire will consume thee.

 - (Chapter Link)

  • Being disrespectful towards the Sons and Wifes of Slaves

Karna's beliefs about sons, wives and slaves: O excellent one, the slave, the son, and the wife are always dependent. They cannot earn wealth, for whatever they earn belongeth to their master. Thou art the wife of a slave incapable of possessing anything on his own account. Repair now to the inner apartments of king Dhritarashtra and serve the king's relatives. We direct that that is now thy proper business. And, O princess, all the sons of Dhritarashtra and not the sons of Pritha are now thy masters.

 - (Chapter Link)

  • He was the one who discriminated against people on the basis of Birth

Knowing this, O learned one, hold thy tongue, or listen to something further that I will say. Those women that, intoxicated by spirits, cast off their robes and dance, those women that are not attached (to particular individuals) in the matter of intercourse and that they do as they please without owning any restrictions, I say, that being as thou art the child of one of those women, how canst thou, O Madraka, be a fit person for declaring the duties of men? Those women that live and answer calls of nature like camels and asses, being as thou art the child of one of those sinful and shameless creatures, how canst thou wish to declare the duties of men?

 - (Chapter Link)

  1. He tried to insult Shalya by getting at his birth. At his mom, at his country. Indirectly Karna was abusing his own stepmother Madri.
  2. This quote also indicates that Karna opposed the freedom of women. That woman should not be allowed to choose who they have sex with and the freedom in which they practice it.
  3. This quote shows that Karna hates people on the basis of their birth, caste and the deeds of their parents. If their parents did something that Karna disagrees with then Karna censures not just the parents but also mocks the child.
  • He discriminated against those who did not like what he did

I remember from the days of my youth that a slaughter-ground for kine and a space for storing intoxicating spirits always distinguish the entrances of the abodes of the (Vahika) kings. On some very secret mission I had to live among the Vahikas. In consequence of such residence the conduct of these people is well known to me. There is a town of the name of Sakala, a river of the name of Apaga, and a clan of the Vahikas known by the name of the Jarttikas. The practices of these people are very censurable. They drink the liquor called Gauda, and eat fried barley with it. They also eat beef with garlic. They also eat cakes of flour mixed with meat, and boiled rice that is bought from others. Of righteous practices they have none.

 - (Chapter Link)

  • He hated places where the Caste system was based on Karma and not Birth

Since then I have seen diverse countries following diverse religions. Never, however, have I seen all the people of a country act unrighteously. All the races I have met will admit that to be true religion which has been declared by persons conversant with the Vedas. Travelling through various countries following various religions, I at last, O king, came among the Vahikas. There I heard that one at first becomes a brahmana and then he becomes a kshatriya. Indeed, a Vahika would, after that, become a Vaishya, and then a Shudra, and then a barber. Having become a barber, he would then again become a brahmana. Returning to the status of a brahmana, he would again become a slave. One person in a family becomes a brahmana: all the others, falling off from virtue, act as they like.

Karna Parva: Section 45
Sacred Texts Hinduism Mahabharata Index Previous Next 45 "'Karna continued, "Thou shouldst know all this, O Shalya. I shall however, again speak unto thee. Listen with close attention to what I say. Once on a time a brahmana came to our house as a guest. Observing our practices he became highly gratified and said unto us, 'I dwelt for a long time on a peak of the Himavat quite alone. Since then I have seen diverse countries following diverse religions. Never, however, have I seen all the people of a country act unrighteously. All the races I have met will admit that to be true religion which has been declared by persons conversant with the Vedas. Travelling through various countries following various religions, I at last, O king, came among the Vahikas. There I heard that one at first becomes a brahmana and then he becomes a kshatriya. Indeed, a Vahika would, after that, become a Vaishya, and then a Shudra, and then a barber. Having become a barber, he would then again become a brahmana. Returning to the status of a brahmana, he would again become a slave. One person in a family becomes a brahmana: all the others, falling off from virtue, act as they like. The Gandharas, the Madrakas, and the Vahikas of little understanding are even such. Having travelled through the whole world I heard of these practices, destructive of virtue, of these sinful irregularities amongst the Vahikas.' Thou shouldst know all this, O Shalya. I shall, however, again speak to thee about those ugly words that another said unto me regarding the Vahikas. In former days a chaste woman was abducted by robbers (hailing) from Aratta. Sinfully was she violated by them, upon which she cursed them, saying, 'Since ye have sinfully violated a helpless girl who am not without a husband, therefore, the women of your families shall all become unchaste. Ye lowest of men, never shall ye escape from the consequences of this dreadful sin.' It is for this, O Shalya, that the sisters' sons of the Arattas, and not their own sons, become their heirs. The Kauravas with the Pancalas, the Salwas, the Matsyas, the Naimishas, the Koshalas, the Kasapaundras, the Kalingas, the Magadhas, and the Cedis who are all highly blessed, know what the eternal religion is. The wicked even of these various countries know what religion is. The Vahikas, however, live without righteousness. Beginning with the Matsyas, the residents of the Kuru and the Pancala countries, the Naimishas as well and the other respectable peoples, the pious among all races are conversant with the eternal truths of religion. This cannot be said of the Madrakas and the crooked-hearted race that resides in the country of the five rivers. Knowing all these things, O king, hold thy tongue, O Shalya, like one deprived of utterance, in all matters connected with religion and virtue. Thou art the protector and king of that people, and, therefore, the partaker of sixth part of their merits and demerits. Or perhaps, thou art the partaker of a six
  • He was against Abortion

The Madrakas are regarded on Earth as the dirt of every nation. So the Madra woman is called the dirt of the whole female sex. They that have for their practices the drinking of spirits, the violation of the beds of their preceptors, the destruction of the embryo by procuring miscarriage, and the robbing of other people's wealth, there is no sin that they have not. Fie on the Arattas and the people of the country of the five rivers. Knowing this, be silent. Do not seek to oppose me.

Karna Parva: Section 45
Sacred Texts Hinduism Mahabharata Index Previous Next 45 "'Karna continued, "Thou shouldst know all this, O Shalya. I shall however, again speak unto thee. Listen with close attention to what I say. Once on a time a brahmana came to our house as a guest. Observing our practices he became highly gratified and said unto us, 'I dwelt for a long time on a peak of the Himavat quite alone. Since then I have seen diverse countries following diverse religions. Never, however, have I seen all the people of a country act unrighteously. All the races I have met will admit that to be true religion which has been declared by persons conversant with the Vedas. Travelling through various countries following various religions, I at last, O king, came among the Vahikas. There I heard that one at first becomes a brahmana and then he becomes a kshatriya. Indeed, a Vahika would, after that, become a Vaishya, and then a Shudra, and then a barber. Having become a barber, he would then again become a brahmana. Returning to the status of a brahmana, he would again become a slave. One person in a family becomes a brahmana: all the others, falling off from virtue, act as they like. The Gandharas, the Madrakas, and the Vahikas of little understanding are even such. Having travelled through the whole world I heard of these practices, destructive of virtue, of these sinful irregularities amongst the Vahikas.' Thou shouldst know all this, O Shalya. I shall, however, again speak to thee about those ugly words that another said unto me regarding the Vahikas. In former days a chaste woman was abducted by robbers (hailing) from Aratta. Sinfully was she violated by them, upon which she cursed them, saying, 'Since ye have sinfully violated a helpless girl who am not without a husband, therefore, the women of your families shall all become unchaste. Ye lowest of men, never shall ye escape from the consequences of this dreadful sin.' It is for this, O Shalya, that the sisters' sons of the Arattas, and not their own sons, become their heirs. The Kauravas with the Pancalas, the Salwas, the Matsyas, the Naimishas, the Koshalas, the Kasapaundras, the Kalingas, the Magadhas, and the Cedis who are all highly blessed, know what the eternal religion is. The wicked even of these various countries know what religion is. The Vahikas, however, live without righteousness. Beginning with the Matsyas, the residents of the Kuru and the Pancala countries, the Naimishas as well and the other respectable peoples, the pious among all races are conversant with the eternal truths of religion. This cannot be said of the Madrakas and the crooked-hearted race that resides in the country of the five rivers. Knowing all these things, O king, hold thy tongue, O Shalya, like one deprived of utterance, in all matters connected with religion and virtue. Thou art the protector and king of that people, and, therefore, the partaker of sixth part of their merits and demerits. Or perhaps, thou art the partaker of a six
  1. The above text supports my claim that Karna was against abortion. Discriminating against people who do abortions? What if these people knew that their offspring would be disabled or handicapped? And that's why they chose to insult them. What if they just didn't want their children to live like slaves or to even live at all in their society? Karna insults, censures and discriminates against others without even thinking about the whole situation. He is clearly a very narrow-minded person. What if they could not afford to feed them? You're an extremely shallow person karna. He (Karna) is just incapable of deep thinking.
  • He ordered for the disrobing of Devi Draupadi

eko bhartA striyA devairvihitaH kurunandana |

iyaM tvanekavashagA bandhakIti vinishchitA || 35||

asyAH sabhAmAnayanaM na chitramiti me matiH |

ekAmbaradharatvaM vApyatha vApi vivastratA || 36||

yachchaiShAM draviNaM ki~nchidyA chaiShA ye cha pANDavAH |

saubaleneha tatsarvaM dharmeNa vijitaM vasu || 37||

duHshAsana subAlo.ayaM vikarNaH prAj~navAdikaH |

pANDavAnAM cha vAsA.nsi drAupAdyshchApyupAhara|| 38||

O son of the Kuru race, the gods have ordained only one husband for one woman. This Draupadi, however, hath many husbands. Therefore, certain it is that she is an unchaste woman. To bring her, therefore, into this assembly attired though she be in one piece of cloth--even to uncover her is not at all an act that may cause surprise. Whatever wealth the Pandavas had--she herself and these Pandavas themselves,--have all been justly won by the son of Suvala. O Dussasana, this Vikarna speaking words of (apparent) wisdom is but a boy. Take off the robes of the Pandavas as also the attire of Draupadi. Hearing these words the Pandavas, O Bharata, took off their upper garments and throwing them down sat in that assembly. Then Dussasana, O king, forcibly seizing Draupadi's attire before the eyes of all, began to drag it off her person."

  • He abused Drauapadi by calling her Unchaste and then asked her to marry 5 more men!!
  • Karna offering 100 young women to the person who finds Arjun

To him that will discover Dhananjaya to me, I shall also give a hundred female slaves, with golden collars, belonging to the country of the Magadhas, and of very youthful age. If that does not satisfy the person that discovers Arjuna to me, I will make him a more valuable gift, that, indeed, which he himself will solicit. Sons, wives and articles of pleasure and enjoyment that I have, these all I shall give him if he desires them.

Karna Parva: Section 38
Sacred Texts Hinduism Mahabharata Index Previous Next 38 "Sanjaya said 'After Karna, gladdening thy army, had set out for battle, he spoke unto every Pandava soldier that he met with, even these words: "Unto him that will today point out the high-souled Dhananjaya of white steeds to me, I will give whatever wealth he desires. If having got it he does not become satisfied, I shall in addition, give him,--him that is, that will discover Arjuna to me, a cart-load of jewels and gems. If that does not satisfy the person who discovers Arjuna to me, I will give him a century of kine with as many vessels of brass for milking those animals. I will give a hundred foremost of villages unto the person that discovers Arjuna to me. I will also give him that shows Arjuna to me a number of long-tressed damsels of black eyes and a car unto which shall be yoked white mules. If that does not satisfy the person that discovers Arjuna to me, I shall give him another foremost of cars, made of gold, and having six bulls yoked unto it that shall be as large as elephants. I shall also give unto him a hundred damsels decked with ornaments, with collars of gold, fair-complexioned and accomplished in singing and dancing. If that does not satisfy the person that discovers Arjuna to me, I shall give him a 100 elephants, a 100 villages and a 100 cars, and 10,000 steeds of the foremost of breed, fat, docile, endued with many excellent qualities, capable of dragging cars and well-trained. I shall also give to the person that discovers Arjuna to me four hundred kine, each with golden horns and her calf. If that does not satisfy the person that discovers Arjuna to me, I shall make him a more valuable gift, viz., five hundred steeds, adorned with trappings of gold and decked with jewelled ornaments. I shall also give eighteen other steeds of great docility. I shall also give the person that discovers Arjuna to me a bright car made of gold and adorned with diverse ornaments and having foremost of Kamboja steeds yoked unto it. If that does not satisfy the person that discovers Arjuna to me, I shall make him a more valuable gift, viz., six hundred elephants, with chains of gold around their necks, and covered with housings of gold, born in the western shores of the ocean, and trained by elephant trainers. If that does not satisfy the person that discovers Arjuna to me, I shall make him a more valuable gift, viz., fourteen Vaishya villages, teeming with people, full of wealth, situated in the proximity of forests and rivers, free from all sorts of danger, well furnished (with other necessaries), and worthy of being enjoyed by kings. To him that will discover Dhananjaya to me, I shall also give a hundred female slaves, with golden collars, belonging to the country of the Magadhas, and of very youthful age. If that does not satisfy the person that discovers Arjuna to me, I will make him a more valuable gift, that, indeed, which he himself will solicit. Sons, wives and articles of pleasure

ALSO before someone says that women were not given rights then please see this. Our societies were never patriarchal

  • Kidnapping princesses for his beloved friend Duri

Bhishma to Karna: O Karna, proceeding to the city of Kasi, alone with thy bow, thou hadst crushed the kings in battle for procuring a bride for the Kuru king!

Bhishma Parva: Bhagavat-Gita Parva: Section CXXIV

  • Killing a 16-year old by cutting his bow from behind


29 एतत कुरु महेष्वास राधेय यदि शक्यते
अथैनं विमुखीकृत्य पश्चात परहरणं कुरु

30 सधनुष्कॊ न शक्यॊ ऽयम अपि जेतुं सुरासुरैः
विरथं विधनुष्कं च कुरुष्वैनं यदीच्छसि

The Mahabharata in Sanskrit
Sacred Texts Hinduism Mahabharata Index Book 7 Index Previous Next Book 7 in English The Mahabharata in Sanskrit Book 7 Chapter 47 1 [स] स कर्णं कर्णिना कर्णे पुनर विव्याध फाल्गुनिः शरैः पञ्चाशता चैनम अविध्यत कॊपयन भृशम 2 परतिविव्याध राधेयस तावद्भिर अथ तं पुनः स तैर आचितसर्वाङ्गॊ बह्व अशॊभत भारत 3 कर्णं चाप्य अकरॊत करुद्धॊ रुधिरॊत्पीड वाहिनम कर्णॊ ऽपि विबभौ शूरः शरैश चित्रॊ ऽसृग आप्लुतः 4 ताव उभौ शरचित्राङ्गौ रुधिरेण समुक्षितौ बभूवतुर महात्मानौ पुष्पिताव इव किंशुकौ 5 अथ कर्णस्य सचिवान षट शूरांश चित्रयॊधिनः साश्वसूत धवजरथान सौभद्रॊ निजघान ह 6 अथेतरान महेष्वासान दशभिर दशभिः शरैः परत्यविध्यद असंभ्रान्तस तद अद्भुतम इवाभवत 7 मागधस्य पुनः पुत्रं हत्वा षड्भिर अजिह्मगैः साश्वं ससूतं तरुणम अश्वकेतुम अपातयत 8 मार्तिकावतकं भॊजं ततः कुञ्जरकेतनम कषुरप्रेण समुन्मथ्य ननाद विसृजञ शरान 9 तस्य दौःशासनिर विद्ध्वा चतुर्भिश चतुरॊ हयान सूतम एकेन विव्याध दशभिश चार्जुनात्मजम 10 ततॊ दौःशासनिं कार्ष्णिर विद्ध्वा सप्तभिर आशुगैः संरम्भाद रक्तनयनॊ वाक्यम उच्चैर अथाब्रवीत 11 पिता तवाहवं तयक्त्वा गतः कापुरुषॊ यथा दिष्ट्या तवम अपि जानीषे यॊद्धुं न तव अद्य मॊक्ष्यसे 12 एतावद उक्त्वा वचनं कर्मार परिमार्जितम नाराचं विससर्जास्मै तं दरौणिस तरिभिर आच्छिनत 13 तस्यार्जुनिर धवजं छित्त्वा शल्यं तरिभिर अताडयत तं शल्यॊ नवभिर बाणैर गार्ध्रपत्रैर अताडयत 14 तस्यार्जुनिर धवजं छित्त्वा उभौ च पार्ष्णिसारथी तं विव्याधायसैः षड्भिः सॊ ऽपक्रामद रथान्तरम 15 शत्रुंजयं चन्द्रकेतुं मेघवेगं सुवर्चसम सूर्यभासं च पञ्चैतान हत्वा विव्याध सौबलम 16 तं सौबलस तरिभिर विद्ध्वा दुर्यॊधनम अथाब्रवीत सर्व एनं परमथ्नीमः पुरैकैकं हिनस्ति नः 17 अथाब्रवीत तदा दरॊणं कर्णॊ वैकर्तनॊ वृषा पुरा सर्वान परमथ्नाति बरूह्य अस्य वधम आशु नः 18 ततॊ दरॊणॊ महेष्वासः सर्वांस तान परत्यभाषत अस्तॊ वॊ ऽसयान्तरं कश चित कुमारस्य परपश्यति 19 अन्व अस्य पितरं हय अद्य चरतः सर्वतॊदिशम शीघ्रतां नरसिंहस्य पाण्डवेयस्य पश्यत 20 धनुर्मण्डलम एवास्य रथमार्गेषु दृश्यते संदधानस्य विशिखाञ शीघ्रं चैव विमुञ्चतः 21 आरुजन्न इव मे पराणान मॊहयन्न अपि सायकैः परहर्षयति मा भूयः सौभद्रः परवीरहा 22 अति मा नन्दयत्य एष सौभद्रॊ विचरन रणे अन्तरं यस्य संरब्धा न पश्यन्ति महारथाः 23 अस्यतॊ लघुहस्तस्य दिशः सर्वा महेषुभिः न विशेषं परपश्यामि रणे गाण्डीवधन्वनः 24 अथ कर्णः पुनर दरॊणम आहार्जुनिशरार्दितः सथातव्यम इति तिष्ठामि पीड्यमानॊ ऽभिमन्युना 25 तेजस्विनः कुमारस्य शराः परमदारुणाः कषिण्वन्ति हृदयं मे ऽदय घॊराः पावकतेजसः 26 तम आचार्यॊ ऽबरवीत कर्णं शनकैः परहसन्न इव अभेद्यम अस्य कवचं युवा चाशु पराक्रमः 27 उपदिष्टा मया अस्य पितुः कवचधारणा ताम एष निखिलां वेत्ति धरुवं परपुरंजयः 28 शक्यं तव अस्य धनुश छेत्तुं जयां च बाणैः समाहितैः अभीशवॊ हयाश चैव तथॊभौ पार्ष्णिसारथी 29 एतत कुरु महेष्वास राधेय यदि शक्यते अथैनं विमुखीकृत्य पश्चात परहरणं कुरु 30 सधनुष्कॊ न शक्यॊ ऽयम अपि जेतुं सुरासुरैः विरथं विधनुष्कं च कुरुष्वैनं यदीच्छसि 31 तद आचार्यवचः शरुत्वा कर्णॊ वैकर्तनस तवरन अस्यतॊ लघुहस्तस्य पृषत्कैर धनुर आच्छिनत 32 अश्वान अस्यावधीद भॊजॊ गौतमः पार्ष्णिसारथी शेषास तु छिन्नधन्वानं शरवर्षैर अवाकिरन 33 तवरमाणास तवरा काले विरथं षण महारथाः शरवर्षैर अकरुणा बालम एकम अवाकिरन 34 स छिन्नधन्वा विरथः सवधर्मम अनुपालयन खड्गचर्म धरः शरीमान उत्पपात विहायसम 35 मार्गैः स कैशिकाद्यैश च लाघवेन बलेन च आर्जुनिर वयचरद वयॊ


DRONA SAYING THIS TO KARNA,ABOUT ABHIMANYU - "O Mighty Bowman,O Son of Radha,If you can do this,make him disinclined from the fight,then attack him from behind,with bow in his hands he is incapable of being vanquished by gods and asuras together"


Quoted from Geeta Press,Drona Parva-

"अभिमन्युको युध्दसे विमुख करके #पीछे
 इसके ऊपर प्रहर करो,धनुष लिये रहनेपर तो इसे सम्पूर्ण देवता और असुर भी नहीं जीत सकते"

As you all can read,geeta press has translated the Sanskrit word पश्चात् as पीछे which means 'From Behind'.

Screenshot Link -



राधानन्दन ! तुम बड़े धनुर्धर हो; यदि कर सको तो यही करो । सब प्रकारसे असहाय करके इसे रणसे भगओ और पीछे से प्रहार करो ।

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From this, we conclude that Karna was not at all a dharmic person. He was the trunk of Adharma.


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