Abhimanyu Respect Thread

 1) The Raudra Bow

The Raudra bow was extremely powerful and was given by Lord Balram.

That excellent and best of bows, called the Raudra, which Rohini's son (Valadeva) had obtained, the latter gave unto the high-souled son of Subhadra, having been gratified with him.

2) Abhimanyu’s Prowess

Great warriors like Karna were never able to defeat Abhimanyu and repeat the word never.

Karna himself on the 13th day accepted his incapability against the Son of Subhadhra

Karna, afflicted with the shafts of Arjuna's son, once more said unto Drona, 'Exceedingly afflicted with the shafts of Abhimanyu, I am staying in battle, only because (as a warrior) I should stay here. Indeed, the arrows of this south of great energy are exceedingly fierce. Terrible as they are and possessed of the energy of fire, these arrows are weakening my heart.'

Therefore we conclude that Abhimanyu was no ordinary warrior. Let us see what was Abhi’s performance on the 13th day

The single handle killed multiple Elephants, warriors, soldiers and Horses

None of his foes could fix their aim on him, so swift was his momentum. His arrows flew like streams of golden sunlight. He brought down huge elephants with their riders, scattering their armours and caparisons. Horsemen fell from their saddles, slain by shafts that passed clean through their bodies. Their horses reared in fear and were cut down by Abhimanyu’s relentless volleys. The animals lay about weltering in gore, their eyes bulging and tongues hanging out.

To save Duri Drona has to send Ashwathama, Kripa and other warriors

Seeing this, Droṇa was alarmed and he shouted to the warriors around him, “Save the king!” Aśvatthāmā, Kṛpa, Karṇa, Śakuni, Śalya, and another half dozen heroes all converged on Abhimanyu. The young prince was covered with a thick downpour of arrows. Spinning on the terrace of his chariot he countered the arrows with his own, as Sumitra maneuvered his chariot clear. He pierced every one of his assailants with stinging arrows that could hardly be seen as they flew.

Karna and Duri then group up to kill Abhimanyu, but the valiant son of Subhadra pierced Duri with 16 arrows and cuts of Karnas armour

Seeing the monarch slain, the Kaurava soldiers turned and fled. Duryodhana and Karṇa fought side by side, sending their arrows at Abhimanyu in volleys. Bearing the arrows like a mountain bears showers of rain, Abhimanyu sped at Karṇa a powerful arrow capable of piercing his armour. It struck him on the shoulder and dug deep into his body. Pained, Karṇa shook like a hill in an earthquake and fell into a swoon.

Abhimanyu then stunned Duryodhana with sixteen arrows and followed that by slaying four more kings supporting the Kaurava.

Soldiers and many warriors started leaving the battlefield as they were afraid of the wrath of Abhimanyu

The Kauravas facing Abhimanyu fled in greater and greater numbers. Only the foremost heroes could stand against him. Even they were soon overpowered by his furious attack.

Abhimanyu killed Shalyas younger brother

Abhimanyu slew thousands of Kauravas--anyone who came before him. Śalya’s younger brother Madra, seeing Śalya afflicted by Abhimanyu, rushed angrily at him. He hurled twenty blazing darts at him, but the prince cut them to pieces. Abhimanyu counterattacked Madra with long shafts that shattered his chariot and cut off his arms, legs and head simultaneously.

Abhimanyu defeated Karna and other 13 warriors

And Drona, and Drona's son, and Kripa and Karna and Kritavarman and Suvala's son, Vrihadvala, and the ruler of the Madras, and Bhuri, and Bhurisravas, and Sala, and Paurava and Vrishasena, shooting sharp shafts, checked Subhadra's son by means of those arrowy showers. Confounding him with those showers of shafts, they rescued Duryodhana. The son of Arjuna, however, brooked not that act of snatching a morsel from his mouth. Covering those mighty car-warriors, their charioteers, and steeds with thick showers of arrows and causing them to turn back, the son of Subhadra uttered a leonine roar.

Abhimanyu again defeats Karna and other warriors

Then Karna and Kripa, and Drona and Drona's son, and the ruler of the Gandharas, and Sala and Salya, and Bhurisravas and Kratha, and Somadatta, and Vivinsati, and Vrishasena, and Sushena, and Kundavedhin, and Pratardana, and Vrindaraka and Lalithya, and Pravahu, and Drighalochana, and angry Duryodhana, showered their arrows upon him. Then Abhimanyu, excessively pierced by those great bowmen with their straight shafts, shot shafts at Karna which was capable of piercing through every armour and body. That shaft, piercing through Karna's coat of mail and then his body, entered the earth like a snake piercing through an anthill. Deeply pierced, Karna felt great pain and became perfectly helpless. Indeed, Karna began to tremble in that battle like a hill during an earthquake. Drona Parva: Abhimanyu-badha Parva: Section XXXV

Again Abhimanyu was group-attacked by Karna along with five other warriors but they were beaten up by Abhimanyu badly, and all of them ran away except Duryodhan’s son. Again A clear victory of Abhimanyu.

They swiftly urged their horses and elephants and fled. On beholding that they were shattered, Drona, Drona’s son, Brihadbala, Kripa, Duryodhana, Karna, Kritavarma and Soubala angrily attacked Subhadra’s unvanquished son. O king! Most of them were beaten back by your grandson. There was only one who had been reared in happiness. He was a child, but proud and fearless. Lakshmana was extremely energetic and used his arrows and weapons to attack Arjuna’s son. Out of anxiety and affection for the son, the father returned. Other maharathas also returned and followed Duryodhana.

Drona Parva: Chapter-45 BORI CE 

Abhimanyu mangled Six Maharathis including Karna who surrounded him.

At this, Drona, Kripa, Karna, Drona’s son, Brihadbala and Kritavarma, Hridika’s son—these six rathas surrounded him. O great king! On seeing that Saindhava had assumed an extremely heavy burden, your soldiers attacked Yudhishthira. There were those who stretched bows that were as long as palm trees. They showered down many arrows on Subhadra’s brave son. But Subhdra’s son, the destroyer of enemy heroes, used arrows in that battle to counter all those great archers, who were skilled in all forms of learning. He pierced Drona with fifty arrows and Brihadbala with twenty, Kritavarma with eighty and Kripa with sixty arrows. Arjuna’s son stretched his bow up to his ears and used ten extremely forceful and gold-tufted arrows to pierce Ashvatthama. In the midst of the enemy, Phalguna’s son used a yellow, sharp and tufted arrow to pierce Karna in his earHe brought down Kripa’s horses and the two charioteers who guarded his flanks. He then pierced him between the breasts with ten arrows. While your brave sons looked on, the powerful one then killed the valiant Vrindaraka, the extender of the fame of the Kuru lineage. While he was thus fearlessly slaughtering the foremost among the enemy, Drona’s son pierced him with twenty-five small arrows. O venerable one! However, while all the sons of Dhritarashtra looked on, Arjuna’s son swiftly pierced Ashvatthama back with sharp arrows. But Drona’s son pierced him with sixty extremely energetic arrows that were terrible, fierce and sharp. However, though pierced, he was like Mount Mainaka and did not tremble. The immensely energetic and powerful one pierced Drona’s son, who had caused him injury, with seventy-three gold-tufted and straightflying arrows. Wishing to protect his son, Drona pierced him with one hundred arrows. Desiring to protect his father in the battle, Ashvatthama pierced him with sixty arrows. Karna pierced him with twenty-two broad-headed arrows, Kritavarma with fourteen, Brihadbala with fifty and Sharadvata Kripa with ten. He pierced them back with ten arrows each. Subhadra’s son mangled all of them with sharp arrows.

Drona Parva: Chapter-46 BORI CE

 Abhimanyu fought with Karna, Both of them pierced and washed each other in blood but Abhimanyu already washed Karna in blood. Abhimanyu killed six counsellors in front of Karna’s eyes but he couldn't do anything.

‘Sanjaya said, “Phalguna’s son once again pierced Karna in the ear with a barbed arrow. Angering him even more, he pierced him with fifty arrows. Radheya pierced the great warrior back in turn. O descendant of the Bharata lineage! Covered with arrows all over his limbs, he looked extremely radiant. Extremely enraged, he caused Karna to be covered in blood. Covered with arrows and streaming blood, the brave Karna was also resplendent. Both of them were beautiful with arrows on their bodies, and blood flowed from their wounds. Those great-souled ones looked like flowering kimshuka trees. Subhadra’s son destroyed six of Karna’s advisers, who were brave and wonderful in the art of fighting, together with their horses, charioteers, standards and chariots. Without showing them any honour, he pierced all the other great archers back with ten arrows each and this was extraordinary.

Drona Parva: Chapter-47 BORI CE

The foster brother of Karna was killed by Abhimanyu right in front of him and Karna was in grief. Karna was afflicted by Abhimanyu’s arrows and He fled away from there instead of taking revenge. A clear deafeat of Karna.

On seeing that his brother had been slain, Karna was overcome by grief. Having forced Karna to retreat, Subhadra’s son used arrows tufted with heron feathers to quickly rout the other great archers. He shattered that net of elephants, horses, chariots and infantry. The immensely illustrious Abhimanyu angrily routed them with his arrows. Karna was afflicted by Abhimanyu’s many arrows. He fled on swift horses and the array was shattered.

Drona Parva: Chapter-40 BORI CE

Karna is again defeated by Abhi

Then Karna, the most honoured of all bowmen, desirous of obtaining victory, pierced the son of Subhadra with hundreds of arrows, displacing his best weapons. That foremost of all persons conversant with weapons, that valiant disciple of Rama, by means of his weapons, thus afflicted Abhimanyu who was incapable of being defeated by foes. Though afflicted in battle by Radha's son with showers of weapons, still Subhadra's son who resembled a very celestial (for prowess) felt no pain. With his shafts whetted on stone and furnished with sharp points, the son of Arjuna, cutting off the bows of many heroic warriors, began to afflict Karna in return. With shafts resembling snakes of virulent poison and shot from his bow drawn to a circle, Abhimanyu quickly cut off the umbrella, standard, the charioteer, and the steeds of Karna, smiling the while. Karna then shot five straight arrows at Abhimanyu. The son of Phalguna, however, received them fearlessly. Endued with great valour and courage, the latter then, in a moment, with only a single arrow, cut off Karna's bow and standard and caused them to drop down on the ground. Beholding Karna in such distress, his younger brother, drawing the bow with great force, speedily proceeded against the son of Subhadra. Drona Parva: Abhimanyu-badha Parva: Section XXXVII

On this Karna says, [Notice “Before he destroys all of us”]

Vrisha Vaikartana Karna then spoke to Drona. Before he destroys all of us, tell us how we can swiftly kill him.’

Drona Parva: Chapter-47 BORI CE

Karna didn't say directly but his words indicate He was not able to stop Abhimanyu.

Karna again spoke to Drona. ‘I am oppressed by the extremely terrible and energetic arrows of the young Abhimanyu. Nevertheless, I remain stationed here. His arrows are terrible and possess the energy of the fire. They are sapping my heart now.

 After losing everything also…He had a never give up attitude! He fought with whatever He got to face his opponents, Not like cowards who fled away, or grief! He didn't want to destroy his reputation.

Having heard the preceptor’s words, Vaikartana Karna used his arrows to swiftly slice down the bow of the light-handed one. Bhoja killed his horses and Goutama the charioteers who guarded his flanks. Once his bow had been severed, the others enveloped him with a shower of arrows. ‘“At that time, when he was bereft of his chariot, the six maharathas quickly and ruthlessly showered him with arrows, while the child fought single-handed. His bow had been severed and he was without a chariot. However, he was engaged in following his own dharma. The handsome one grasped a sword and a shield and leapt up into the sky. Arjuna’s son displayed his dexterity and strength and roamed around in the sky, like a terrible king of the birds. He showed kaishika and other motions. The great archers pierced him in the battle, searching for a weakness, glancing upwards and wondering, ‘He might descend on me with the sword in his hand.’ Drona severed the sword, decorated with a bejewelled handle, from his hand. Radheya used sharp arrows to cut down his supreme shield. Deprived of his sword and shield, but still whole in his limbs, he again descended from the sky onto the ground. He picked up a chariot wheel and angrily rushed at Drona. His limbs blazed because of the dust raised by the wheels. He was radiant, with the chariot wheel raised high in his arms. In that battle, for a short while, Abhimanyu looked beautiful and seemed to replicate the deeds of VasudevaBlood flowed from his body. His face was red. His eyebrows were wrinkled and he roared like a lion. In the midst of the best of kings, he looked exceedingly fierce.”

Drona Parva: Chapter-47 BORI CE

3) Karna’s cowardly attack on Abhimanyu

Karna in order to kill Abhimanyu cuts his bow from behind


29 एतत कुरु महेष्वास राधेय यदि शक्यते
अथैनं विमुखीकृत्य पश्चात परहरणं कुरु

30 सधनुष्कॊ न शक्यॊ ऽयम अपि जेतुं सुरासुरैः
विरथं विधनुष्कं च कुरुष्वैनं यदीच्छसि

The Mahabharata in Sanskrit
Sacred Texts Hinduism Mahabharata Index Book 7 Index Previous Next Book 7 in English The Mahabharata in Sanskrit Book 7 Chapter 47 1 [स] स कर्णं कर्णिना कर्णे पुनर विव्याध फाल्गुनिः शरैः पञ्चाशता चैनम अविध्यत कॊपयन भृशम 2 परतिविव्याध राधेयस तावद्भिर अथ तं पुनः स तैर आचितसर्वाङ्गॊ बह्व अशॊभत भारत 3 कर्णं चाप्य अकरॊत करुद्धॊ रुधिरॊत्पीड वाहिनम कर्णॊ ऽपि विबभौ शूरः शरैश चित्रॊ ऽसृग आप्लुतः 4 ताव उभौ शरचित्राङ्गौ रुधिरेण समुक्षितौ बभूवतुर महात्मानौ पुष्पिताव इव किंशुकौ 5 अथ कर्णस्य सचिवान षट शूरांश चित्रयॊधिनः साश्वसूत धवजरथान सौभद्रॊ निजघान ह 6 अथेतरान महेष्वासान दशभिर दशभिः शरैः परत्यविध्यद असंभ्रान्तस तद अद्भुतम इवाभवत 7 मागधस्य पुनः पुत्रं हत्वा षड्भिर अजिह्मगैः साश्वं ससूतं तरुणम अश्वकेतुम अपातयत 8 मार्तिकावतकं भॊजं ततः कुञ्जरकेतनम कषुरप्रेण समुन्मथ्य ननाद विसृजञ शरान 9 तस्य दौःशासनिर विद्ध्वा चतुर्भिश चतुरॊ हयान सूतम एकेन विव्याध दशभिश चार्जुनात्मजम 10 ततॊ दौःशासनिं कार्ष्णिर विद्ध्वा सप्तभिर आशुगैः संरम्भाद रक्तनयनॊ वाक्यम उच्चैर अथाब्रवीत 11 पिता तवाहवं तयक्त्वा गतः कापुरुषॊ यथा दिष्ट्या तवम अपि जानीषे यॊद्धुं न तव अद्य मॊक्ष्यसे 12 एतावद उक्त्वा वचनं कर्मार परिमार्जितम नाराचं विससर्जास्मै तं दरौणिस तरिभिर आच्छिनत 13 तस्यार्जुनिर धवजं छित्त्वा शल्यं तरिभिर अताडयत तं शल्यॊ नवभिर बाणैर गार्ध्रपत्रैर अताडयत 14 तस्यार्जुनिर धवजं छित्त्वा उभौ च पार्ष्णिसारथी तं विव्याधायसैः षड्भिः सॊ ऽपक्रामद रथान्तरम 15 शत्रुंजयं चन्द्रकेतुं मेघवेगं सुवर्चसम सूर्यभासं च पञ्चैतान हत्वा विव्याध सौबलम 16 तं सौबलस तरिभिर विद्ध्वा दुर्यॊधनम अथाब्रवीत सर्व एनं परमथ्नीमः पुरैकैकं हिनस्ति नः 17 अथाब्रवीत तदा दरॊणं कर्णॊ वैकर्तनॊ वृषा पुरा सर्वान परमथ्नाति बरूह्य अस्य वधम आशु नः 18 ततॊ दरॊणॊ महेष्वासः सर्वांस तान परत्यभाषत अस्तॊ वॊ ऽसयान्तरं कश चित कुमारस्य परपश्यति 19 अन्व अस्य पितरं हय अद्य चरतः सर्वतॊदिशम शीघ्रतां नरसिंहस्य पाण्डवेयस्य पश्यत 20 धनुर्मण्डलम एवास्य रथमार्गेषु दृश्यते संदधानस्य विशिखाञ शीघ्रं चैव विमुञ्चतः 21 आरुजन्न इव मे पराणान मॊहयन्न अपि सायकैः परहर्षयति मा भूयः सौभद्रः परवीरहा 22 अति मा नन्दयत्य एष सौभद्रॊ विचरन रणे अन्तरं यस्य संरब्धा न पश्यन्ति महारथाः 23 अस्यतॊ लघुहस्तस्य दिशः सर्वा महेषुभिः न विशेषं परपश्यामि रणे गाण्डीवधन्वनः 24 अथ कर्णः पुनर दरॊणम आहार्जुनिशरार्दितः सथातव्यम इति तिष्ठामि पीड्यमानॊ ऽभिमन्युना 25 तेजस्विनः कुमारस्य शराः परमदारुणाः कषिण्वन्ति हृदयं मे ऽदय घॊराः पावकतेजसः 26 तम आचार्यॊ ऽबरवीत कर्णं शनकैः परहसन्न इव अभेद्यम अस्य कवचं युवा चाशु पराक्रमः 27 उपदिष्टा मया अस्य पितुः कवचधारणा ताम एष निखिलां वेत्ति धरुवं परपुरंजयः 28 शक्यं तव अस्य धनुश छेत्तुं जयां च बाणैः समाहितैः अभीशवॊ हयाश चैव तथॊभौ पार्ष्णिसारथी 29 एतत कुरु महेष्वास राधेय यदि शक्यते अथैनं विमुखीकृत्य पश्चात परहरणं कुरु 30 सधनुष्कॊ न शक्यॊ ऽयम अपि जेतुं सुरासुरैः विरथं विधनुष्कं च कुरुष्वैनं यदीच्छसि 31 तद आचार्यवचः शरुत्वा कर्णॊ वैकर्तनस तवरन अस्यतॊ लघुहस्तस्य पृषत्कैर धनुर आच्छिनत 32 अश्वान अस्यावधीद भॊजॊ गौतमः पार्ष्णिसारथी शेषास तु छिन्नधन्वानं शरवर्षैर अवाकिरन 33 तवरमाणास तवरा काले विरथं षण महारथाः शरवर्षैर अकरुणा बालम एकम अवाकिरन 34 स छिन्नधन्वा विरथः सवधर्मम अनुपालयन खड्गचर्म धरः शरीमान उत्पपात विहायसम 35 मार्गैः स कैशिकाद्यैश च लाघवेन बलेन च आर्जुनिर वयचरद वयॊ
The Mahabharata in Sanskrit
Sacred Texts Hinduism Mahabharata Index Book 7 Index Previous Next Book 7 in English The Mahabharata in Sanskrit Book 7 Chapter 47 1 [स] स कर्णं कर्णिना कर्णे पुनर विव्याध फाल्गुनिः शरैः पञ्चाशता चैनम अविध्यत कॊपयन भृशम 2 परतिविव्याध राधेयस तावद्भिर अथ तं पुनः स तैर आचितसर्वाङ्गॊ बह्व अशॊभत भारत 3 कर्णं चाप्य अकरॊत करुद्धॊ रुधिरॊत्पीड वाहिनम कर्णॊ ऽपि विबभौ शूरः शरैश चित्रॊ ऽसृग आप्लुतः 4 ताव उभौ शरचित्राङ्गौ रुधिरेण समुक्षितौ बभूवतुर महात्मानौ पुष्पिताव इव किंशुकौ 5 अथ कर्णस्य सचिवान षट शूरांश चित्रयॊधिनः साश्वसूत धवजरथान सौभद्रॊ निजघान ह 6 अथेतरान महेष्वासान दशभिर दशभिः शरैः परत्यविध्यद असंभ्रान्तस तद अद्भुतम इवाभवत 7 मागधस्य पुनः पुत्रं हत्वा षड्भिर अजिह्मगैः साश्वं ससूतं तरुणम अश्वकेतुम अपातयत 8 मार्तिकावतकं भॊजं ततः कुञ्जरकेतनम कषुरप्रेण समुन्मथ्य ननाद विसृजञ शरान 9 तस्य दौःशासनिर विद्ध्वा चतुर्भिश चतुरॊ हयान सूतम एकेन विव्याध दशभिश चार्जुनात्मजम 10 ततॊ दौःशासनिं कार्ष्णिर विद्ध्वा सप्तभिर आशुगैः संरम्भाद रक्तनयनॊ वाक्यम उच्चैर अथाब्रवीत 11 पिता तवाहवं तयक्त्वा गतः कापुरुषॊ यथा दिष्ट्या तवम अपि जानीषे यॊद्धुं न तव अद्य मॊक्ष्यसे 12 एतावद उक्त्वा वचनं कर्मार परिमार्जितम नाराचं विससर्जास्मै तं दरौणिस तरिभिर आच्छिनत 13 तस्यार्जुनिर धवजं छित्त्वा शल्यं तरिभिर अताडयत तं शल्यॊ नवभिर बाणैर गार्ध्रपत्रैर अताडयत 14 तस्यार्जुनिर धवजं छित्त्वा उभौ च पार्ष्णिसारथी तं विव्याधायसैः षड्भिः सॊ ऽपक्रामद रथान्तरम 15 शत्रुंजयं चन्द्रकेतुं मेघवेगं सुवर्चसम सूर्यभासं च पञ्चैतान हत्वा विव्याध सौबलम 16 तं सौबलस तरिभिर विद्ध्वा दुर्यॊधनम अथाब्रवीत सर्व एनं परमथ्नीमः पुरैकैकं हिनस्ति नः 17 अथाब्रवीत तदा दरॊणं कर्णॊ वैकर्तनॊ वृषा पुरा सर्वान परमथ्नाति बरूह्य अस्य वधम आशु नः 18 ततॊ दरॊणॊ महेष्वासः सर्वांस तान परत्यभाषत अस्तॊ वॊ ऽसयान्तरं कश चित कुमारस्य परपश्यति 19 अन्व अस्य पितरं हय अद्य चरतः सर्वतॊदिशम शीघ्रतां नरसिंहस्य पाण्डवेयस्य पश्यत 20 धनुर्मण्डलम एवास्य रथमार्गेषु दृश्यते संदधानस्य विशिखाञ शीघ्रं चैव विमुञ्चतः 21 आरुजन्न इव मे पराणान मॊहयन्न अपि सायकैः परहर्षयति मा भूयः सौभद्रः परवीरहा 22 अति मा नन्दयत्य एष सौभद्रॊ विचरन रणे अन्तरं यस्य संरब्धा न पश्यन्ति महारथाः 23 अस्यतॊ लघुहस्तस्य दिशः सर्वा महेषुभिः न विशेषं परपश्यामि रणे गाण्डीवधन्वनः 24 अथ कर्णः पुनर दरॊणम आहार्जुनिशरार्दितः सथातव्यम इति तिष्ठामि पीड्यमानॊ ऽभिमन्युना 25 तेजस्विनः कुमारस्य शराः परमदारुणाः कषिण्वन्ति हृदयं मे ऽदय घॊराः पावकतेजसः 26 तम आचार्यॊ ऽबरवीत कर्णं शनकैः परहसन्न इव अभेद्यम अस्य कवचं युवा चाशु पराक्रमः 27 उपदिष्टा मया अस्य पितुः कवचधारणा ताम एष निखिलां वेत्ति धरुवं परपुरंजयः 28 शक्यं तव अस्य धनुश छेत्तुं जयां च बाणैः समाहितैः अभीशवॊ हयाश चैव तथॊभौ पार्ष्णिसारथी 29 एतत कुरु महेष्वास राधेय यदि शक्यते अथैनं विमुखीकृत्य पश्चात परहरणं कुरु 30 सधनुष्कॊ न शक्यॊ ऽयम अपि जेतुं सुरासुरैः विरथं विधनुष्कं च कुरुष्वैनं यदीच्छसि 31 तद आचार्यवचः शरुत्वा कर्णॊ वैकर्तनस तवरन अस्यतॊ लघुहस्तस्य पृषत्कैर धनुर आच्छिनत 32 अश्वान अस्यावधीद भॊजॊ गौतमः पार्ष्णिसारथी शेषास तु छिन्नधन्वानं शरवर्षैर अवाकिरन 33 तवरमाणास तवरा काले विरथं षण महारथाः शरवर्षैर अकरुणा बालम एकम अवाकिरन 34 स छिन्नधन्वा विरथः सवधर्मम अनुपालयन खड्गचर्म धरः शरीमान उत्पपात विहायसम 35 मार्गैः स कैशिकाद्यैश च लाघवेन बलेन च आर्जुनिर वयचरद वयॊ
The Mahabharata in Sanskrit
Sacred Texts Hinduism Mahabharata Index Book 7 Index Previous Next Book 7 in English The Mahabharata in Sanskrit Book 7 Chapter 47 1 [स] स कर्णं कर्णिना कर्णे पुनर विव्याध फाल्गुनिः शरैः पञ्चाशता चैनम अविध्यत कॊपयन भृशम 2 परतिविव्याध राधेयस तावद्भिर अथ तं पुनः स तैर आचितसर्वाङ्गॊ बह्व अशॊभत भारत 3 कर्णं चाप्य अकरॊत करुद्धॊ रुधिरॊत्पीड वाहिनम कर्णॊ ऽपि विबभौ शूरः शरैश चित्रॊ ऽसृग आप्लुतः 4 ताव उभौ शरचित्राङ्गौ रुधिरेण समुक्षितौ बभूवतुर महात्मानौ पुष्पिताव इव किंशुकौ 5 अथ कर्णस्य सचिवान षट शूरांश चित्रयॊधिनः साश्वसूत धवजरथान सौभद्रॊ निजघान ह 6 अथेतरान महेष्वासान दशभिर दशभिः शरैः परत्यविध्यद असंभ्रान्तस तद अद्भुतम इवाभवत 7 मागधस्य पुनः पुत्रं हत्वा षड्भिर अजिह्मगैः साश्वं ससूतं तरुणम अश्वकेतुम अपातयत 8 मार्तिकावतकं भॊजं ततः कुञ्जरकेतनम कषुरप्रेण समुन्मथ्य ननाद विसृजञ शरान 9 तस्य दौःशासनिर विद्ध्वा चतुर्भिश चतुरॊ हयान सूतम एकेन विव्याध दशभिश चार्जुनात्मजम 10 ततॊ दौःशासनिं कार्ष्णिर विद्ध्वा सप्तभिर आशुगैः संरम्भाद रक्तनयनॊ वाक्यम उच्चैर अथाब्रवीत 11 पिता तवाहवं तयक्त्वा गतः कापुरुषॊ यथा दिष्ट्या तवम अपि जानीषे यॊद्धुं न तव अद्य मॊक्ष्यसे 12 एतावद उक्त्वा वचनं कर्मार परिमार्जितम नाराचं विससर्जास्मै तं दरौणिस तरिभिर आच्छिनत 13 तस्यार्जुनिर धवजं छित्त्वा शल्यं तरिभिर अताडयत तं शल्यॊ नवभिर बाणैर गार्ध्रपत्रैर अताडयत 14 तस्यार्जुनिर धवजं छित्त्वा उभौ च पार्ष्णिसारथी तं विव्याधायसैः षड्भिः सॊ ऽपक्रामद रथान्तरम 15 शत्रुंजयं चन्द्रकेतुं मेघवेगं सुवर्चसम सूर्यभासं च पञ्चैतान हत्वा विव्याध सौबलम 16 तं सौबलस तरिभिर विद्ध्वा दुर्यॊधनम अथाब्रवीत सर्व एनं परमथ्नीमः पुरैकैकं हिनस्ति नः 17 अथाब्रवीत तदा दरॊणं कर्णॊ वैकर्तनॊ वृषा पुरा सर्वान परमथ्नाति बरूह्य अस्य वधम आशु नः 18 ततॊ दरॊणॊ महेष्वासः सर्वांस तान परत्यभाषत अस्तॊ वॊ ऽसयान्तरं कश चित कुमारस्य परपश्यति 19 अन्व अस्य पितरं हय अद्य चरतः सर्वतॊदिशम शीघ्रतां नरसिंहस्य पाण्डवेयस्य पश्यत 20 धनुर्मण्डलम एवास्य रथमार्गेषु दृश्यते संदधानस्य विशिखाञ शीघ्रं चैव विमुञ्चतः 21 आरुजन्न इव मे पराणान मॊहयन्न अपि सायकैः परहर्षयति मा भूयः सौभद्रः परवीरहा 22 अति मा नन्दयत्य एष सौभद्रॊ विचरन रणे अन्तरं यस्य संरब्धा न पश्यन्ति महारथाः 23 अस्यतॊ लघुहस्तस्य दिशः सर्वा महेषुभिः न विशेषं परपश्यामि रणे गाण्डीवधन्वनः 24 अथ कर्णः पुनर दरॊणम आहार्जुनिशरार्दितः सथातव्यम इति तिष्ठामि पीड्यमानॊ ऽभिमन्युना 25 तेजस्विनः कुमारस्य शराः परमदारुणाः कषिण्वन्ति हृदयं मे ऽदय घॊराः पावकतेजसः 26 तम आचार्यॊ ऽबरवीत कर्णं शनकैः परहसन्न इव अभेद्यम अस्य कवचं युवा चाशु पराक्रमः 27 उपदिष्टा मया अस्य पितुः कवचधारणा ताम एष निखिलां वेत्ति धरुवं परपुरंजयः 28 शक्यं तव अस्य धनुश छेत्तुं जयां च बाणैः समाहितैः अभीशवॊ हयाश चैव तथॊभौ पार्ष्णिसारथी 29 एतत कुरु महेष्वास राधेय यदि शक्यते अथैनं विमुखीकृत्य पश्चात परहरणं कुरु 30 सधनुष्कॊ न शक्यॊ ऽयम अपि जेतुं सुरासुरैः विरथं विधनुष्कं च कुरुष्वैनं यदीच्छसि 31 तद आचार्यवचः शरुत्वा कर्णॊ वैकर्तनस तवरन अस्यतॊ लघुहस्तस्य पृषत्कैर धनुर आच्छिनत 32 अश्वान अस्यावधीद भॊजॊ गौतमः पार्ष्णिसारथी शेषास तु छिन्नधन्वानं शरवर्षैर अवाकिरन 33 तवरमाणास तवरा काले विरथं षण महारथाः शरवर्षैर अकरुणा बालम एकम अवाकिरन 34 स छिन्नधन्वा विरथः सवधर्मम अनुपालयन खड्गचर्म धरः शरीमान उत्पपात विहायसम 35 मार्गैः स कैशिकाद्यैश च लाघवेन बलेन च आर्जुनिर वयचरद वयॊ


DRONA SAYING THIS TO KARNA,ABOUT ABHIMANYU - "O Mighty Bowman,O Son of Radha,If you can do this,make him disinclined from the fight,then attack him from behind,with bow in his hands he is incapable of being vanquished by gods and asuras together"


Quoted from Geeta Press,Drona Parva-

"अभिमन्युको युध्दसे विमुख करके पीछ इसके ऊपर प्रहर करो,धनुष लिये रहनेपर तो इसे सम्पूर्ण देवता और असुर भी नहीं जीत सकते"

As you all can read,geeta press has translated the Sanskrit word पश्चात् as पीछे which means 'From Behind'.

Screenshot Link - http://bit.ly/1yNbBFQ



राधानन्दन ! तुम बड़े धनुर्धर हो; यदि कर सको तो यही करो । सब प्रकारसे असहाय करके इसे रणसे भगओ और पीछे से प्रहार करो ।

And after all of this, the fight between the son of Duhsasan and Abhimanyu happened. Here, also Duhsasana's son struck Abhimanyu with the mace when he was armless and was about to rise up from unconsciousness.

Each of those chastisers of foes, struck with the other's mace-ends fell down on the earth, like two uprooted standards erected to the honour of Indra. Then Duhsasana's son, that enhancer of the fame of the Kurus, rising up first, struck Abhimanyu with the mace on the crown of his head, as the latter, was on the point of rising.

 And finally

Stupefied with the violence of that stroke as also with the fatigue he had undergone, that slayer of hostile hosts, viz., the son of Subhadra, fell on the earth, deprived of his senses.

Arjuna’s lament after Abhi’s death proves the fact.

What warrior, deprived on his senses by Death ventured to slay that dear son of Subhadra, that favourite of Draupadi and Kesava, that child ever loved by Kunti? Equal unto the high-souled Vrishni hero, Kesava, himself in prowess and learning and dignity, how hath he been slain on the field of battle? The favourite son of that daughter of the Vrishni race, always cherished by me, alas, if I do not see him I will repair to the abode of Yama. With locks ending in soft curls, of tender years, with eyes like those of a young gazelle, with tread like that of an infuriated elephant, tall like a Sala offshoot, of sweet speech accompanied with smiles, quiet, ever obedient to the behest of his superiors, acting like one of mature years though tender in age, of agreeable speech, reft of vanity, of great courage and great energy, of large eyes resembling lotus-petals, kind to those devoted to him, self-restrained, following nothing mean, grateful, possessed of knowledge, accomplished in weapons, unretreating from battle, always delighting in fight, and enhancing the fears of foes, engaged in the welfare of kinsmen, desirous of victory into sires, never striking first, perfectly fearless in battle, alas, if I do not behold that son, I will repair to the abode of Yama. In the counting of car-warriors always reckoned as a Maharatha, superior to me one and a half times, of tender years, of mighty arms, even dear to Pradyumna and Kesava and myself, alas, if I do not behold that son I will repair to the abode of Yama. 


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