Death of Lord Lakṣman
After Sītā’s departure from the world, Rāma often thought of Her. He could not even think of taking another wife and He had an exquisite gold image of Sītā made by expert artisans. That statue sat next to Him in the royal court and at sacrifices, serving as the queen. A period of eleven thousand years passed with Rāma ruling the world, assisted by His three brothers. He performed ten thousand great sacrifices and the earth enjoyed unprecedented opulence. All creatures were happy and everything functioned in accordance with the arrangement of the Supreme Lord. Religion was firmly established and everyone led pious lives. One day, toward the end of his rule, Rāma was visited by an unusual ascetic, who glowed with a divine radiance. That Brahmin, having been worshiped by Rāma, introduced himself as a messenger of Brahmā. He asked for a private audience with Rāma, saying, “O emperor, no one should hear the words that pass between us. If anyone should interrupt us, then they must be killed ...